How We Partner

  • Projects provide a flexible way to partner with us. We consider a project a single deliverable that provides a solution to a need. Typical projects our clients engage us for include websites, branding and marketing collateral.

  • Campaigns offer comprehensive solutions for your cause. We define a campaign as a short term engagement that leverages multiple deliverables to help elevate a specific initiative. Some ways clients partner with us include hiring initiatives, program enrollment, internal communication and general brand amplification.

  • Agency of Record is an all inclusive integration. We categorize being an AOR as a partnership focused on multiple campaigns over an extended period of time. We provide our AOR clients with high level strategy and execution that takes into account all of their goals and provides a cohesive plan to accomplish them.

We understand the intricacies of running a cause based organization and how they affect the accomplishment of your mission. From funder and board expectations, to deadlines and accounts payable and everything in between, leaders of cause based organizations have to consider multiple stakeholders when it comes to choosing a marketing partner. Our service offerings take into account the variables our clients face and provide flexible ways to partner with us